QC-Track Module:

The QC-Track module for MRI QC meets the needs of the most widely followed regulations in MRI quality control,
including the ACR Continuous Quality Control Program per their MRI and Breast MRI "Accreditation Program Requirements" and The Joint
Commission "Diagnostic Imaging Requirements," as well as vendor QC programs for the MRI vendors.
QC-Track provides the structure needed in any QC program.
Worksheet data fields, constants, limits, and calculations
On-the-spot pass-fail, with email notifications
Standard and Automated Worksheet templates for ACR and vendor QC workflows
Easy customization to accommodate site-specific needs, physicist requests, or inspection purposes
Modality-specific workflow features, such as the capacity to pull forward the previous center frequency to compare to this week’s value
QC-Track offers two workflows for MRI:
Standard Worksheet QC
data is entered by the technologist into worksheets on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, depending on the QC program being followed.
Automated Phantom QC
is available for the ACR MRI phantom.
Automated Phantom Analysis
provides a fast, flexible, and consistent method to extract and process DICOM data and automatically insert the data into QC-Track worksheets.
QC-Track standard reports meet the reporting needs of MRI teams, including:
ACR QC Report, specifically designed to match the display format of the
ACR QC manuals, facilitating inspections by displaying data in a format with which the inspector is familiar
QC Checklist Report, to show daily status of QC by test over the selected time period
Quarterly reports for physicist review
Standard QC-Track Sign Off for the weekly MRI workflow captures the ACR-required annual medical physicist sign off.
See QC-Track's advanced capabilities:
— Track and report CEU/CME and Exam counts by modality
Event Tracking
— Schedule and track ongoing QC events
Document Tracking
— Centrally store, manage and quickly access the entire range of QC documents
The QC-Track MRI module is an optional add-on to the QC-Track Base Platform.
Subscription licensing is by imaging units.
Automated Phantom QC is an optional enhanced capability.
The ACR Continuous Quality Control (CQC) program specifies tests and frequencies within their ACR MRI Accreditation Program Requirements.
For more MRI information, see
ACR MRI Accreditation Page.
MRI is one of the modalities that falls under The Joint Commission Diagnostic Imaging Requirements, along with CT, PET, and NM. The TJC requires
facilities to identify their QC plan and demonstrate that the team is following the plan. See
TJC Compliance Checklist.
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