Automated Phantom Analysis
Phantom analysis is the centerpiece of any QC program.
With the optional Automated Phantom Analysis (APA) module, imaging QC teams get a fast, flexible, and consistent way to unite phantom and
observational data onto QC worksheets.
QC images are analyzed in seconds, significantly reducing the day-to-day time needed by QC technologists for image analysis.
The art in any QC worksheet is to provide the right amount of data for the technologist to complete the test.
APA imaging processing functions, including a complete set of DICOM and image analysis functions, are available as
an extension to the built-in QC Worksheet Editor.
QC Worksheet Editor can combine DICOM and image analysis data, including data from multiple fields and multiple images,
onto a single QC worksheet.
APA provides a powerful mechanism for a central QC team to control and structure QC for an imaging unit over time,
as well as across all of the imaging units in a fleet. By making QC tests more objective, the APA module reduces any inconsistencies between technologists.
QC worksheets are also available for physicist survey testing.
QC Program Templates
include APA templates for ACR and manufacturer phantom QC programs.
Clients are also using APA as an important strategy for higher imaging quality.
To quote a client, "There's the letter of the law, and there's the spirit of the law."
With manual phantom QC, busy imaging QC teams usually only have time to do the bare minimum testing needed for compliance.
Everything changes when complex phantom analysis operations only take seconds. Ready to re-think your QC program to include additional tests?
Contact the Atirix Research Team to discuss.
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