QC-Track Module:
Ultrasound QC requirements are on the increase. Hospital infection rates are a TJC Top 5 issue, and annual transducer QC failure rates are high.
Yet many facilities still track QC in log books and spreadsheets.
For ultrasound QC, QC-Track offers a base unit and loaner replacement workflow and two optional transducer QC workflows for a complete US QC solution.
Scheduled workflows with checklists help ensure all aspects of the ultrasound base system -- including filters, cleanliness, and
mechanics -- are functioning properly.
Checklist and Device Worksheet reports facilitate oversight and management of ongoing QC.
Barcode tags are applied to base units and transducers.
Barcode scanning minimizes typing.
Worksheets capture all phantom data and calculate a pass/fail.
HLD workflow meets TJC requirements for traceability of HLD performed on semi-critical devices,
such as invasive probes, as well as other probes that come in contact with non-intact skin.
Barcode tags are applied to transducers and HLD units.
A QC-Track record ID is generated for each HLD cycle for RIS/HIS/EHR tracking by exam.
HLD cleaning self-test failures and disinfection indicator fails can also be recorded and reported.
Transducer and HLD unit cleaning history reports can be easily generated.
HLD loaner replacement workflow allows for seamless QC tracking while units are being serviced.
Advanced Search page for centralized infection research quickly isolates transducer and HLD unit history.
Implement a consistent structured QC workflow across locations
Meet ACR, AAPM, AIUM and TJC tracking requirements and recommendations
Eliminate duplication with central database storage and easy access to transducer QC and cleaning records for infection research
Simplify ongoing tracking with automated QC status monitoring and built-in email notices, including reminder schedules for each tracked transducer.
Reduce unmanaged PHI by eliminating unsecured paper HLD exam tracking books in cleaning labs and exam rooms.
QC-Track standard reports meet the reporting needs of Ultrasound teams, including:
ACR QC Report, specifically designed to match the display format of the
ACR QC manuals, facilitating inspections by displaying data in a format with which the inspector is familiar
QC Checklist Report to show ongoing status of QC by test over a selected time period
Quarterly reports for ongoing physicist and clinical engineering oversight
QC-Track specialized US reports include:
Transducer/base unit reconciliation report to show transducer phantom QC history
and also identify base units and transducers that have not been included in QC testing
HLD cleaning history report for traceability and infection research
Standard QC-Track Sign Off is available for the Ultrasound workflow for capturing the ACR-required annual medical
physicist sign off on the on-going QC.
-- to track and report CEU/CME and Exam counts by modality
Event Tracking
-- to schedule and track ongoing QC events
Document Tracking
-- to centrally store, manage and quickly access the entire range of QC documents
The QC-Track US module is an optional add-on to the QC-Track Base Platform.
Subscription licensing is by imaging units.
The ACR Continuous Quality Control (CQC) program specifies tests and frequencies within their ACR Ultrasound Accreditation Program Requirements.
ACR Ultrasound Accreditation Page
for more information.
For Breast Ultrasound, see ACR Breast Ultrasound Accreditation Program Requirements or
ACR Breast Ultrasound Accreditation Page.
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